Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Past Weeks

Daddy and Conner sharing a skinny cow sandwich!!

On Sunday, Conner and I played at the park while Jay climbed Badger Mountain. It was a beautiful morning! Conner watched Jay until he couldn't see him on the mountain anymore. (Jay is the person in the pic walking away).

This was taken in the pool at Lake Chelan. Conner had a blast with Jay in the pool. I think he laughed and smiled the entire time. He was pooped by the time we got out.

This was a self portrait Jay took of all of us in Courd Alene.

Conner in his new favorite chair!

Conner figured out how to style his hair with Miracle Whip at lunch time. He is quite the hairstylist.

Our first boo-boo. Last Thursday night Conner was reaching for the coffee table and his hands didn't quite make it but the bridge of his nose did. He only cried for 3 minutes though and was back to himself.

1 comment:

Stine said...

Looks like you had a great trip - Connor is such a cutie! I hope you are all doing well... Jay, Connor, you and baby x ;-D
