Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bedtime Fun

I am trying to slow things down in our house and have more quality time outside the living room and more one-on-one with the boys. Before bedtime the other night I decided to wrestle around on the bed with both boys and take "self-portraits" and this is what we came up with!
This is what I came into the room looking at. I had stepped out in the hall to get the camera out and Conner was talking to Jack when I came in. Over the past couple of weeks Conner had gotten very protective of Jack. When Jack cries he is very concerned and sometimes cries if Jack is crying very loud. He also asks if he can pet Jack. Its pretty cute!!

We got Jay in on the action at the very end so shortly after this picture Jack was done. This is only our second family picture taken since Jack was born in March. I am hoping someone can take a better more complete one at Conner's Birthday.
And here is our Jay look alike!!! My sister said she creeped herself out the other day because she kissed Jack and felt like it was Jay since they look so much alike!!! You can definitely tell these boys are Brantingham's!!! Hopefully the next will be a girl and look more like and Alderman!
God has truly blessed me with two gorgeous, precious, and loving little boys!!! Everyday is a new experience with them.
Highlights for Conner: Conner will be 2 on the 27th, he is into "Big Trucks" (his coin phrase), everyday is a new phrase or word, he loves riding his four wheeler (finally!), and swimming is all he wants to do lately.
Highlights for Jack: Jack had his four month checkup and weights 16 pounds 10 ounces (following right in his brothers footsteps, Conner was 5 ounces heavier at 4 months), Jack is talking to us alot and just started a high pitch squeal this week, we finally have a giggle/laugh from Jack.
Both boys are growing up so fast!!! I love them with all my heart!

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