Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Conner's 2nd Birthday

Tuesday was Conner's 2nd Birthday. Memay and Papa watched Jack while Jay and I took Conner to P.F. Chang's for dinner. We had a wonderful time and he was awesome. He loves stabbing all his food with chop sticks.

He woke up at 4:45am which worked out great. Jay is leaving at 5am for (its a shut down in Othello) so we were able to give Conner his birthday present before Jay left for the day. This is his reaction to his present. (You will see the present in pictures further down- its a picnic table set)

Jack will be 5 months on Monday. He enjoyed watching Conner open gifts.

Any present that was a truck or Thomas the train got this reaction. It was classic! He was a blast to watch open presents!

P.F. Chang's with Mommy and Daddy!

When we arrived home Conner was asleep. We knew he would cry when he woke up so we immediately put him on the four wheeler. Presto - Happy again!

We did a very simple birthday party with cakes, cupcakes, family, and close friends. I kept it pretty low key this year. Two kids is alot more work than I anticipated. Jay and I both thought it was a wonderful party. We all had a GREAT time!

Happy Birthday to Ryan too!!! We were very glad Jessica, Ryan, and Kylie made it to the party. We wish they lived closer!

Conner was overwhelmed with all the presents. He got great stuff!

We practiced blowing out candles so he was very excited when that part came. But when everyone started singing he started to cry! It was hilarious.

Kylie is just a couple of weeks younger than Conner. We are excited to go to her birthday soon! Conner and Kylie ended up swimming at 9pm it was hilarious. Jess and I sat outside and cracked up watching the two of them.

Working hard with Uncle Brock.

Thank you to everyone who made this such an enjoyable and fun birthday for Conner. We had a blast and it was great to see everyone. I can't believe Conner is 2. Life is flying by so fast with the boys! Mommy loves you lots Conner!!

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