Saturday, January 21, 2012

4th Anniversary

Jay and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary on December 28th.  This year we were able to go out to dinner on the night of our anniversary.  I got spoiled with these gorgeous flowers and a gift card to Starbucks.  I am very lucky to have a husband that is so hardworking and dedicated to his family. 

Jay and I laughed over dinner about what all we have crammed into four years.  Here are just a few...

3 kids in just over 4 years
4 moves in 4 years
Building a new facility for CRF
2 Trips to Hawaii
The crazy continued growth of Jay's business
Me in and out of the office... (I quite counting how many times)

Its all been a whirlwind but a heck of a story for those who know us well.  It doesn't look like we will be slowing down anytime soon!  Although, Stella will more than likely be the last addition to our family!!!

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