Saturday, January 21, 2012

Christmas Day

 Christmas day we spent at my sisters house!  Erin had just given birth to Otto on the 7th so it was easiest to go to their home.  He is quite the little cutie!
 Mac was totally into unwrapping gifts, now if he could only convince his cousin Jack to get into it.
 And Conner of course, didn't want the gifts to stop coming!
 When everyone finished unwrapping Jack's present for him, he was totally into it.  This is the "hot" item in our house right now.  (As I type, its hiding in a closet - I can only handle so much of it each day)
 Mac and Jack are quite the pair!  We have to watch the two of them closely!

 Cal made an amazing prime rib!!! It was a delicious dinner. 
 This pregnancy hasn't been the easiest for me so I got to chill and just hold Otto!  Jay and I's boys have come out around 8 lbs so to hold Otto, who was 6 lbs. is a very different feeling! We were laughing that he will probably be the same weight as Stella when she is born!
 Uncle Brock is always good about helping the boys with their toys!
 My dad's two brothers came for Christmas as well.  And "Uncle Jane" as Conner calls her!
 The meal was excellent and we all had a great Christmas at the Tebay's!
 Everyone opening the last of the presents!
We had a very wonderful Christmas this year.  The boys and I were very blessed to have Jay with us for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day this year.  We were also very blessed to spend Christmas eve with Jay's Sister and her family along with Grandma and Grandpa.  Thank you to E and Cal for hosting Christmas! We love you all!!!

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