Saturday, January 21, 2012

Christmas Morning

 I am a little behind on my blogging so here goes a little marathon!   This would  be Christmas morning at our house.  I didn't sleep well so I was sitting in the recliner in the living room when the boys came out.  They didn't see me and it was priceless to see the looks on their faces.  Conner says to Jack, "Look Jack! I got off the naughty list!"  It was pretty cute.   Then he walked over to his crane and said, "Santa brought me just what I wanted!"
 Jack was a little overwhelmed with everything this holiday season.  He wasn't into unwrapping gifts at all.  He just wanted all the candy and treats that were around all day everyday!
 Conner was very into everything he got.  Even if it wasn't his he was excited!
 Jay and Conner got nerf guns from Santa, boy am I regretting that one!!!
We had a wonderful Christmas morning just the four of us!

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