Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Time to Catch Up!

Conner just went down for a nap so I get a little time to download, edit, and post pics. We went to Cusick, WA(North of Spokane) for the 4th. Jay's buddy (Uncle Buck) has a house there. We watched an amazing fireworks show that the reservation had then Jay, Buck, & Mark put on their own fireworks show. Jay got Conner HUGE sparklers, you can't start off small! Conner LOVED them. He manage to hold onto them well until he started swinging it. We managed to only put a few burn marks in the blanket and a few on my arm! Jay's mom and dad came over for dinner on Sunday night to finish out the weekend. We had a great time, Conner always enjoying seeing them!

Conner loves to try to unscrew then screw the lids on water bottles.

Conner and Daddy in the truck shortly after arriving in Cusick.

Conner loves dogs ("puppies" is what we Conner knows them as) so we introduced him to a dog that Stephanie and Ron gave me for Christmas in college. He loved it!

This is Conner's car that he loves to putt around in at Memay & Papa's.

This is the only thing Conner wants to do all day every day these days!!

YEAH!!! Today I was entering time cards into the computer and when I turned around our little Mister had pulled himself up on the coffee table all by himself. Yesterday morning when I went in to get him he was standing in his crib. This is a first for us and one Jay and I have been anxiously waiting for! YEAH Conner!

He was very proud of himself!

Last week we had a play date at my parents house in Ellensburg. Miss Kylie was the only girl but extremely cute and mobile as usual. I love being able to have Conner around her because I think it gets him to want to move on his own more. I am very blessed to have Jess as a friend and someone who wants to get together often. Kayla, Sydnee, Amber, Danae, and Stephanie all came too! It was so good to see everyone and to get the kids together. I am so glad that they all came and we were able to catch up. Amber had her new little guy Wyatt there, he was adorable!! And Steph was headed back to AZ the next day so it was great to see her one last time before she left.

Our first time having mac n cheese! He loved it but I didn't love trying to scrub the cheese off in the bath!!

All is well here at the Brantingham House. I am trying to get ready for Conner's first birthday! Jay is still working pretty long hours but we at least got to spend the weekend with him! Conner and Jay have both been sick with a cold this weekend/week so we are trying to take it easy. This weekend David and Pauline are helping us finish our fence, YEAH! Thank you David and Pauline. And THANK YOU David for all the hard work and hours you have put into our new home!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It looks like you guys had a great 4th. Glad you guys are back. Kylie was scared to death of everything. We are still working on plans for August and I will be coming down to Tri-Cities on the 21st.