Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Jay and I's anniversary was yesterday. He sent me the most gorgeous flower arrangement that barely fits in our home! We went to dinner at the Bonefish and had a wonderful dinner. Thank you Auntie Erin for watching Conner. I am very blessed to be married to such a hardworking, loving, and handsome man. I look forward to the years to come. I love you lots Jay!!!

Big Boy

Jay and I decided to get Conner a booster chair so he could sit at the dinner table with us. He is now obsessed with the chair and I am putting our high chair in storage today. Its adorable how "grownup" he acts when he is in the chair. It makes me sad how big he is getting!

This is his new puppy he got for Christmas. We have yet to name him but Conner takes him and Doby everywhere.
Conner spent a couple hours over the past two days playing in this tub. I was half tempted to not fill it will Christmas decorations just because he was having so much fun with it.

He likes to color alot now. I think its more the idea that he gets to sit in the chair. This morning he heard Jay and got up at 5:15am. He went straight to the chair and wanted in.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Day

Christmas morning Jay and I were really surprised, Conner got up and went straight to his stocking! We didn't think he would even notice or know which stocking was his.
We spent the morning at home and relaxed then we headed to my sister's house around 11.
Auntie Erin helped Conner open his first gift.

Memay and Papa got Conner his first vacuum. He got a Dyson and I don't even have a Dyson!

The men watching Conner open gifts.

At times Conner was more interested in the boxes or the front door then he was the presents themselves.
My two handsome boys!
Uncle Brock and Papa!

As you can tell, Conner got spoiled by everyone this Christmas!

We love you Memay and Papa, and thank you for everything!!!

The pregnant sisters. Erin and Cal find out on the 4th if it's a girl or boy. We can't wait!

Thank you Erin and Cal for a wonderful Christmas dinner!
I am so blessed to have a healthy, wonderful family!
Conner was trying to eat like Cypress(our chocolate lab)
Conner sure does enjoy his time with Memay!!!

He really got into the packing peanuts on these gifts. He thought they were the greatest thing. He is a crack up lately!!! We hope all our friends and family had a wonderful Christmas. We had a relaxing but great time. Merry Christmas to all!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Eve

The day before Christmas eve we got Conner's hair cut. He did awesome ( I stopped and got an Italian Soda for him to have during the haircut and it worked like a charm!)! So, Christmas Eve morning I let Conner have donut holes for breakfast, he was in heaven.

Jay gave Conner a bath the night before so I used a squirt bottle to tame the hair the next day. Conner thought that was the greatest thing.
He looks so grown up to me now but my mom just says wait till the baby is here, then you will really cry at how old he looks and is.
Conner's favorite thing, to be hung upside down by daddy.

My parents stopped by on their way to Erin and Cal's house on Christmas eve. My dad, brother, and Jay were sampling a whiskey Jay had gotten and Conner wanted in on the fun so Memay gave him a shot of Diet Coke. Yummy!

Last year Jay and I got Conner this welder for Christmas and he wanted nothing to do with it. Just up until last week he still wouldn't go near it. Now we can't get him to put it down and he welds EVERYTHING. Let me tell ya, its the greatest sound in the world.

My loving husband! He is so photogenic! He should have been a model. Christmas eve, Conner, Jay and I just snacked on finger foods and had a fun night opening presents and watching a movie. It has always been a tradition in my family to snack on finger foods and open family gifts Christmas eve so Jay and I decided to start this tradition with our family this year. It was a relaxing and enjoyable time.
And then the unwrapping began!

Daddy got Conner his first legos!

Our new puppy!

Jay and I got flip flops from Jay's Aunt who lives in Brazil. She also got Conner three new speedos and some wonderful Brazilian undee's! Thank you Aunt Karen, they are great!!

Very determined to get the truck out of the box!

And the grand finale! Conner's first four wheeler. I couldn't stop laughing when he first started riding it. He is very serious when he rides it and he just mexi-hopped it for the first30 minutes.

Our little man is growing up so quickly. We had a wonderful Christmas eve just the three of us! I am very blessed this holiday season to have a healthy family, a wonderful-hardworking husband, and an adorable little boy. I can't wait for what 2010 will bring us!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

This Week

This week Conner and I have been just hanging out at home with not a whole lot to do, which is nice considering Christmas is on Friday.
Last night Jay worked late and I had a hair appointment so Conner spent some time with Auntie Erin. On my way home, I picked up Mexican food to go. Conner had already had dinner but decided to have a snack of tortilla chips and milk!
Yesterday, I cleaned out cupboards in the kitchen. Conner grabbed a can of pineapple juice when I wasn't looking and started taking big "sips". He has a fascination with taking big drinks of closed cans. When Jay was on the elliptical in the garage on Sunday, Conner was in the garage drinking cans of 7up. It is quite entertaining.

Today, will hopefully be the last day of long hair for Conner. We attempted a hair cut about 6 weeks ago and we only got the mullet cut! So tomorrow night, Jay and Conner have a hair appointment tomorrow night so hopefully he will let Lindsay cut it!!!