Saturday, December 24, 2011

Stella's Baby Shower

 This past weekend we went to Ellensburg for Stella's baby shower.  The boys were very excited to get to go to Memay and Papa's house. 
 This photo was taken courtesy of Uncle Brock.  Not sure what we were going for here. 
 The boys had a great time getting to relax and play with Memay and Papa.  They also had a blast playing with Uncle Brock and his girlfriend Emilee.  The boys spent an hour in the bathtub Friday night making Emilee smoothies and other nummy treats!!! 
 Conner was my big helper on opening all of Stella's gifts!  It was great to see him so excited about everything she got.  We got a TON of clothes.  I am going to have to change her outfit three times a day for the first six months just to get through all of them!!!
 Jay took Conner to a movie for the first part of the shower then Jay stopped in for a little bit before heading back home.  Luckily, he got part of Friday and Saturday off.  He met us in Ellensburg and him and I got to see a movie Friday night.  It was a great surprise to get to see him for 24 hours straight!
 My mom and Aunt Jane and my sister hosted my baby shower for Stella.  It was WONDERFUL!!!  I am very blessed to have such great friends that showed up so close to the holiday season!
 Baby Grant was even at the shower!!! We were very excited to get to see him!

 Thank you to my AMAZING mother and Aunt for throwing me a lovely shower!!! I have been very blessed to have such a caring, loving, and creative mother.  And I am also very blessed to have such an amazing Aunt who is like a second mom to me and has always been!!! I love you both lots and I am very thankful for you and all you do for me!!!

 The M&M's even said Stella Jo on them!

 I am very excited to display all the pink teddies and dolls in the nursery!
 My mom's famous Angel Food Cakes!!!

By the end of the weekend Jack and Conner were exhausted.  Uncle Brock and Jack watched a little TV while I packed up the car.  The boys and Brock have an awesome connection that I am so thankful for.  They love him and he is so great with them. 

Thank you Mom, Dad, Aunt Jane, Uncle Brock and Emilee for everything this past weekend!!! It was a relaxing weekend for me!!!

Christmas Time Activities

 The weekend we got home from Sunriver we took the boys to Beaver Bark to get our Christmas tree and to see the reindeer. Of course, they chased each other and beat up on each other all over the parking lot.  I didn't think it was funny at the time and got tired trying to round them up but when I look at these pictures all I can do is smile and remind myself to enjoy this season of life!

 Here is the real mischievous one!  You have to have an eye on him ALL the time!
 Conner's last day of preschool for the break was Tuesday.  I offered to take snack.  Here is a great and easy idea I got off of PINTEREST!  The addiction to the Pinterest app paid off, they turned out great!
 Although when we took them to school the next day Conner informed me he didn't like brownies and he wouldn't be eating one.  Our parting gift from preschool that day, the FLU!!!
 Our yearly ritual with Conner is to do a gingerbread train.  This years we got a little more elaborate.  We had a good time and he is very proud of it. 

I have been trying to keep the boys busy with activities for the holidays but this week that came to a halt.  I am at a point in this pregnancy that my back is killing me and I have heartburn 24/7.  Its been hard for me to function on some days but I am working through it.  Jay is working 16 hour days so the boys are starting to miss him terribly.  I look forward to the holidays being over and this little girl making her arrival.  Merry Christmas to everyone!!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Conner's Letter to Santa

Last week, Conner's preschool class wrote letters to Santa (or I should say their teachers wrote what they said).  Here is what happened at our house the day before the letter. 

I was vacuuming the kitchen when the cord knocked a shot glass from my espresso machine on the floor.  It shattered into a million pieces and Conner was very concerned that I didn't have anymore glass. 

When I picked up Conner from school the next day, his teacher handed me the letter and told me it was her favorite.  So here it is.....

Dear Santa,
   I want some legos, also some tiny legos, a new doggie for my bunk bed.  Please bring Stella a rattle, and some binkies, a dollhouse, and a teddy bear!  And Jack needs big legos (cause he chews on the little ones).  Also, he has been a good boy so brings some cars to play with.  And bring my mommy some glass, cause she just broke a little bit.  I also need some parts for my bunk bed.

I am glad to see he has such a sweet, caring heart for others!!! I love you Conner Paul!!!

Baby Otto Arrives!!!

So sorry for my delay in posts!!!  Announcing the arrival of Otto Hank Tebay!!! We were so excited to finally meet this little man.  It only took three days for him to be named!!! He was baby Tebay until shortly before leaving the hospital.  He is an adorable little 6 pound guy!!!  He was born on December 7th 2011. Congratulations Uncle Cal, Auntie E and Mac!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

SunRiver 2011

 This year for Christmas, Jay and I took his family to SunRiver for vacation.  We had a wonderful time.  The house we rented was amazing and everyone had a blast. 
 They have a newer swimming center that Jay and I had never been to so the boys were very excited to go swimming. 
 Conner loved getting to swim with Grandma and Grandpa.
 Jack and Daddy! 
 Conner loved the slide but his little bottom hurt afterward.  As you can see the water was not deep in the slide pool!

 Both boys LOVED getting to have their daddy with them for four days straight! We haven't seen much of Jay lately so they were both in heaven. 
 EVERYONE LOOK CLOSELY..... this is what everyday looks like for me!  Yes this is our mother hen with our mischief child!!! I love them both dearly but they sure are giving me a run for my money lately. Luckily, we have been doing the elf on the shelf so Conner has been pretty aware of where "Fred" is and how he is acting.
 And Jack, he doesn't care.  He just gets into everything......over and over and over. 
 All the Brantingham Grandkids!!!

 I tried my darndest to get a good photo but Jack wanted nothing to do with the camera!!!

 All the Brantingham boys!!!
 And the priceless pictures!!!  I am pretty sure Grant is terrified of our boys.  And the mother hen is back at it!!!
 It was just as funny to watch this happen as it is to look at the pictures!!! Here's the best I got Auntie Shaila!!!

 The boys loved having a hot tub outside the back door!
 The boys got to open presents from Grandma, Grandpa, Auntie Shaila and Uncle Chris while we were there.  Conner was in heaven and Jack just wanted to stand on everything!

Sunriver was a blast this year!!! We had a wonderful time and look forward to going back with the family again.  The only bumer to the whole trip was there was NO SNOW, not even a skiff on the ground.  Happy Holidays to Everyone!!!  Thank you Jay for working so hard that we could take this trip, I love you lots!!!