Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Time Activities

 The weekend we got home from Sunriver we took the boys to Beaver Bark to get our Christmas tree and to see the reindeer. Of course, they chased each other and beat up on each other all over the parking lot.  I didn't think it was funny at the time and got tired trying to round them up but when I look at these pictures all I can do is smile and remind myself to enjoy this season of life!

 Here is the real mischievous one!  You have to have an eye on him ALL the time!
 Conner's last day of preschool for the break was Tuesday.  I offered to take snack.  Here is a great and easy idea I got off of PINTEREST!  The addiction to the Pinterest app paid off, they turned out great!
 Although when we took them to school the next day Conner informed me he didn't like brownies and he wouldn't be eating one.  Our parting gift from preschool that day, the FLU!!!
 Our yearly ritual with Conner is to do a gingerbread train.  This years we got a little more elaborate.  We had a good time and he is very proud of it. 

I have been trying to keep the boys busy with activities for the holidays but this week that came to a halt.  I am at a point in this pregnancy that my back is killing me and I have heartburn 24/7.  Its been hard for me to function on some days but I am working through it.  Jay is working 16 hour days so the boys are starting to miss him terribly.  I look forward to the holidays being over and this little girl making her arrival.  Merry Christmas to everyone!!!

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