Tuesday, December 13, 2011

SunRiver 2011

 This year for Christmas, Jay and I took his family to SunRiver for vacation.  We had a wonderful time.  The house we rented was amazing and everyone had a blast. 
 They have a newer swimming center that Jay and I had never been to so the boys were very excited to go swimming. 
 Conner loved getting to swim with Grandma and Grandpa.
 Jack and Daddy! 
 Conner loved the slide but his little bottom hurt afterward.  As you can see the water was not deep in the slide pool!

 Both boys LOVED getting to have their daddy with them for four days straight! We haven't seen much of Jay lately so they were both in heaven. 
 EVERYONE LOOK CLOSELY..... this is what everyday looks like for me!  Yes this is our mother hen with our mischief child!!! I love them both dearly but they sure are giving me a run for my money lately. Luckily, we have been doing the elf on the shelf so Conner has been pretty aware of where "Fred" is and how he is acting.
 And Jack, he doesn't care.  He just gets into everything......over and over and over. 
 All the Brantingham Grandkids!!!

 I tried my darndest to get a good photo but Jack wanted nothing to do with the camera!!!

 All the Brantingham boys!!!
 And the priceless pictures!!!  I am pretty sure Grant is terrified of our boys.  And the mother hen is back at it!!!
 It was just as funny to watch this happen as it is to look at the pictures!!! Here's the best I got Auntie Shaila!!!

 The boys loved having a hot tub outside the back door!
 The boys got to open presents from Grandma, Grandpa, Auntie Shaila and Uncle Chris while we were there.  Conner was in heaven and Jack just wanted to stand on everything!

Sunriver was a blast this year!!! We had a wonderful time and look forward to going back with the family again.  The only bumer to the whole trip was there was NO SNOW, not even a skiff on the ground.  Happy Holidays to Everyone!!!  Thank you Jay for working so hard that we could take this trip, I love you lots!!!

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