Friday, December 23, 2011

Conner's Letter to Santa

Last week, Conner's preschool class wrote letters to Santa (or I should say their teachers wrote what they said).  Here is what happened at our house the day before the letter. 

I was vacuuming the kitchen when the cord knocked a shot glass from my espresso machine on the floor.  It shattered into a million pieces and Conner was very concerned that I didn't have anymore glass. 

When I picked up Conner from school the next day, his teacher handed me the letter and told me it was her favorite.  So here it is.....

Dear Santa,
   I want some legos, also some tiny legos, a new doggie for my bunk bed.  Please bring Stella a rattle, and some binkies, a dollhouse, and a teddy bear!  And Jack needs big legos (cause he chews on the little ones).  Also, he has been a good boy so brings some cars to play with.  And bring my mommy some glass, cause she just broke a little bit.  I also need some parts for my bunk bed.

I am glad to see he has such a sweet, caring heart for others!!! I love you Conner Paul!!!

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